Orange Shirt Blogs

Warning: Heavy Drug use

Welcome to the Orange Shirt Blogs. A personal space that I don’t share with everyone. It includes honest blogging about my struggles with mental health, drug use, sexuality and life in general.

The BlogsWelcome Message

The most recent non-drug related text and video posts

Lava Lamp

Lava Lamp

I used to have three Lava Lamps in my bedroom and you could see them on the webcams and turn them on and off any time. Today I brought back the feature, but with a $3 ceiling glow light for now. Click may take up to 10 seconds and will ignore multiple clicks. Turn...

Monday night and things are still blah

Monday night and things are still blah

Even my blogging is stalled. I can't load the site on my phone. I did some troubleshooting and thought it was better but it's 7:03 now and it gives an error still. My mood didn't get much better. I did my task chores in the rain. I felt tired. I could have napped 3 or...

Monday after the power came back on

Monday after the power came back on

I need to sleep tonight and eat well. My mood has been a bit more unstable this past week or two as I've been blogging and more aware of things. At least I think more aware. A good friend noticed a change but we didn't continue the conversation after I tried the "im...

Another test – and THEN bed. I promise

Another test – and THEN bed. I promise

From Timeline photos. Posted by Jeff Goebel on 12/01/2008 (Showing 2000 of 2641 items) I admit to being immature with no guilt or shame. A lovely photo I found on the Facebook Pritchard community page. Pritchard is the com... The pile of cows. Cow piles. A mound of...

The exact moment…

I held off my morning meth intake 60 minutes. I scrolled Facebook (mostly sidetracked by reels and then moved to Instagram. After about 7 bong hits with a bad taste because my cleaning pick wasn't within reach of my bed, I suddenly stopped scrolling because of an urge...

I think of ideas or the ending to sentences but by the time I’m typing them I no longer have confidence so I either end abruptly, change the subject, or stop blogging mid sentence. 

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Never try to guess my reaction

One of the most consistent things about me, is my inconsistency. I can pretty much guarantee people that I will not react the way that they expect me to react to whatever situation is in front of me. There are some things you just think you can rely on as to how...

Last thought equals first thought.

Last thought equals first thought.

I was dreaming still dreaming as I woke up at 6:03am. A Radio morning show DJ was talking up the next record and I remember his hook. He said, ”and remember... Never be kind to a porcupine ". Then I woke up, grabbed my phone, and blogged this. What an unusual thing to...

What time is it?

What time is it?

Few times in the past couple of weeks I have either woken up from a nap or just looked up and not known whether I had done my morning or afternoon chores. Once recently I woke up at 9:30 from an after chore nap and thought oh my God I haven't fed the cows yet which of...

Justin the Clocktower hero

Justin the Clocktower hero

This original story idea has been in my brain for several years. I decided to give an AI writing assistant the task of generating the story based on my specifications.
The AI primarily wrote the following story and then I adjusted and corrected it to match my original storyline. I’m happy with how it turned out as a story leaving open the door to create more stories about how Jack became a secret superhero, solving crimes and doing good.

Nostalgic for the Eric’s basement gang

I had a great pairing of tound table hangs two stories walkup to my big shared space with Jeff Forsyth.. we went to different high schools so I didn't meet him until the first computer Club. Georgetown. I remember it as once a week but it might have been once a month....